ginger tea tcm

Oil taken from the ginger plant is used as an anti-nausea and anti-vomiting medication, with no known side effects and no interactions with other drugs or nutrients. chili, curry, ginger, pepper spiced teas like ginger tea and yogi tea: raw, cold foods like salads and fruits Phlegm-forming foods and foods that can weaken the spleen, such as: dairy oily and fatty foods sugar cold foods and drinks . Several of the herbal formulas that we utilize in Traditional Chinese Medicine incorporate ginger — a very beneficial herb. How the temperature of the water affects … Ginger can be made into syrups, infused as ginger tea, blended into herbal formulas, and tinctured. 323.538.0024. He recalled how, when he was ill as a child, his mother often gave him ginger tea to drink. Follow these Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) tips to cleanse your liver, detoxify your body and feel more energized. A fresh ginger rhizome (sheng jiang), like you get at your local grocer, has a warming quality to it. With the action of warming the middle energizer and expelling cold, it is effective in expelling cold, stimulating appetite, stopping vomiting and pain when treating cold-invasion to the middle energizer or stomachache, poor appetite, vomiting due to the deficiency and cold of the spleen and stomach. It promotes circulation as well as sweating, and is used to treat joint pain due to cold. Ginger; the key to overall health! When drinking ginger as a warm infusion, use 0.5 - 1.0 grams of dried rootstock to treat dyspepsia, or two grams if used as an anti-emetic. Ginger can be consumed in many ways. You’ll wake up feeling much better. Ginger tea is better than plain ginger root at settling the stomach and reducing nausea as well as breaking up phlegm to reduce coughing- dilute the tea made from this recipe by 1/3 to 1/2 with water and drink 2-4 cups per day. Dried ginger (gan jiang), from the teas and the spice aisle, is energetically hot. Decoct 3~10g. In treating qi deficiency of spleen and stomach, it should be combined with spleen-tonifying and qi-invigorating herbs like Ren Shen, Bai Zhu and so on. Phone: 480-671-5178 If using honey instead of Chinese brown sugar, add it right before you’re ready … Store: Let cool; put the paste in an air-tight container and store in fridge, but finish it in a couple of weeks. Gold Canyon, Arizona 85118-4629, Jim Burnis, M.Ac., L.Ac. Fresh Ginger Tea. Its dose not have the strong, concentrated irritant pungency of chilli, but is irritant enough to wake the blood vessels. Cover and simmer for another 5 minutes. Ginger stimulates the digestive tract and prevents irritation to the intestinal walls. In the case of sudden syncope, take ginger soup or ginger juice or use ginger juice to drop into nose. This will help you make a very flavorful ginger tea. This tea is very popular in cold areas in China for period pain. This tea tastes delicious, both hot and cold. Immediately take a hot bath and drink ginger tea with brown sugar. It is thought that by dilating constricted bronchial tubes ginger provides relief to cold and allergy sufferers. of family Zingiberaceae. Pungent, warm; lung, spleen and stomach meridians entered. Add honey if needed. Ginger will warm your digestive system, while the mint will cool your throat, and honey will add moisture to your Lungs. E-mail:, Uses of Ginger in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Fresh “Everyday” Ginger Tea with Astragalus, Goji Berries, Lemon, Honey This is the “Everyday” tea that I serve at my office 365 days of the year to great applause! Other tips to keep in mind during your period Spicy Ginger (Zingiber officinalis, Zingiberaceae) is an aromatic and tropical herb that is widely cultivated in many equatorial countries. It can be used singly in slight wind-cold syndrome as well as decocted dominantly with shallot and brown sugar. 1155 South Beverly Drive Los Angeles, CA 90035. The nature of food in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is very warming, healing and therapeutic. Oil taken from the ginger plant is used as an anti-nausea and anti-vomiting medication, with no known side effects and no interactions with other drugs or nutrients. In the case of sudden syncope, 10~20g Sheng Jiang juice is to be used. Safflower contains anticoagulant compounds, so it should not be taken along with blood thinners. 2-inch piece of fresh ginger root. This herb has mild action of dispersing wind-cold, and also has a little effect in promoting sweating and releasing exterior. It can help with a cold, lower inflammation, cleansing the liver and much more! Records show that thee Ancient Chinese, Romans, Greeks, Arabs all relied upon ginger root in one way or another, at a time when anti-nausea and anti-inflammatory medications didn’t exist. In the case of profuse phlegm without external pathogens, it can be cornbined with phlegm-resolving and cough-relieving herbs like Ban Xia, Ju Pi and so on, such as Er Chen Tang in Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang. Preparation: Harvest when the fruit is mature, remove impurities and dry. A TCM ingredient is almost never eaten on its own but as part of a formula containing several ingredients that act together. Recent TCM Tips to Keep Healthy In Fall Next. When taken hot, ginger tea helps to warm the body and trigger perspiration. Because of its warm property, it is the best choice for vomiting caused by stomach cold. In Chinese medicine, ginger is considered a warming herb and acts specifically on the lungs, spleen and stomach. In case of syndromes not suitable for pungent and dispersing herbs, it should be carefully used. Serve hot or warm. Ginger stimulates the digestive tract and prevents irritation to the intestinal walls. Boil your ginger root slices in 1 cup of water for 10 minutes, then remove from heat and add 2 cups of milk. Safflower: A cup of safflower tea can help to invigorate blood, ensuring a smooth and painless menses. Some ginger tea with a dash of brown sugar is a common remedy for period pains. Please note that you should never self-prescribe TCM ingredients. In case of vomiting due to phlegm, it is usually combined with Ban Xia to strengthen the effect of harmonizing the middle energizer and relieving vomiting as well as reducing the toxic effect of Ban Xia, such as Xiao Bai Xia Tang in Jin Kui Yao Lue. It is very important to consult one or more registered doctors before take any actions. Powder ginger is commonly used as a spice in many different foods. Best used at the earliest stages of cold or flu symptoms, fresh ginger is a natural antibiotic that works to dispel what is known in TCM as wind-cold and induce sweating in order to clear the pathogen. In this article, I share the amazing health benefits of Ginger. The number one thing Lily tells every patient (because almost all Westerners are too yin) is to drink ginger tea. Strain the tea into a mug. 4. If you suffer from painful menstrual cramps, arthritis or knee pains you could truly benefit from a daily cup or two of ginger tea and pitted red dates. It can be used singly in slight wind-cold syndrome as well as decocted dominantly with shallot and brown sugar. Dosage: 10 - 30 grams, this roughly calculates to 2 - 10 dates Main actions according to TCM*: Tonifies the Spleen and Stomach Qi. The liver’s function in TCM The liver regulates qi, the vital energy that sustains life, and stores blood, which carries qi around the body and supports the functioning of our organs, limbs and tissues. Table of Contents. Chai tea – blend a black tea with ultra-warming spices like ginger, cardamom, cloves, and cinnamon to create this favorite holiday brew. lemon (juice from 1/3 lemon or to taste) Preparation: Peel the ginger and slice thinly to maximize the surface area. Tonifies the Blood. Brea a cup of tea using 1-2 teaspoons of strong green tea leaves, add a teaspoon of fresh ginger and freshly squeezed lemon juice. It is used as an antidote for poisoning from food, drugs, or other herbs. Disperse wind-cold, warm the middle energizer to stop vomiting, warm lung to stop cough. Even, in traditional Chinese medicine, ginger is famed for its use of removing toxins. Beneficial Foods for Lung Disharmonies. The beverage is still a popular choice when people want to calm their stomachs or ease nausea. Roasted Sheng Jiang is specially used in warming middle energizer to relieve vomiting. I preach drinking ginger tea everyday at "Spleen Time" (Check out my blog post on the body organ clock). Sheng Jiang (Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens)——Ming Yi Bie Lu (Miscellaneous Records of Famous physicians). Reduce consumption if you start to notice your throat becoming dry or you feel hot Sliced ginger root can be eaten raw or cooked. Add your water to a small pot along with the ginger and dates. According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory, Ginger is yang type of herb and good to promote yang dispersing. Ayurveda considers ginger as a pungent herb. Robert Youngs Acupuncture. For a caffeine-free version, use red rooibos for the base. Using ginger in teas, foods and herbal medicine has a very long history of use in traditional medicines including Chinese medicine. Yin and Yang is a very important concept in TCM world. Drink this tea several times a day for best benefits. You can also make ginger tea with milk. Fresh ginger tea and similar tonics have been used across the globe as natural remedies for symptoms like nausea for thousands of years, due to the plant’s unique medicinal properties. It is used to treat atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, motion sickness, colds and cough, and headaches. It can be combined with interior-warming herbs such as Gao Liang Jiang, Hu Jiao and so on in treating severe cold. Because of its lung-warming and cough-relieving effect, it can either be used in diseases due to external wind-cold with more or less phlegm. Because of its strong action in stopping vomiting, it has been regarded as the best choice in treating vomiting. Ginger can be consumed as a fluid, usually as ginger tea or ginger ale. It should be used with cautions for yin deficiency with internal heat and heat exuberance because it helps promote fire and injure yin. Boil the ginger in water for at least 10 minutes. Calms the Shen (sp… A zesty and warming spice, ginger root has been used to flavor culinary dishes and beverages for millennia. Ginger is a plant that has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries. Let the tea cool to drinkable temperature, but the goal is to drink it while it’s still hot! As Sheng Jiang juice is good at relieving vomiting and first-aid syncope, so in the case of serious vomiting and syncope, take it with water or drop it into the nose with 3~10 drops. If you wish to know about more traditional Chinese medicine tea that I learned in China, I also shared recipes and explained the chrysanthemum tea benefits. Ginger helps to prevent motion sickness and is useful for elderly people who are not steady when mobile. Acupuncture Alternatives LLC In addition to everyday forms of nausea, ginger has been shown to reduce the nausea experienced after surgery and chemotherapy. Add the Chinese brown sugar to taste (if using honey, just skip this step––you’ll wait to add the honey later). In the case of cough due to external wind-cold, it is usually combined with Ma Huang such as San Ao Tang in Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang. If you want to add an extra spicy hot note to your favorite tea, add a teaspoon of freshly squeezed ginger juice to steeped tea. Herbs that release the Exterior aim to to treat the early stages of diseases that affect the upper respiratory tract, the eyes, the ears, the nose, the throat or the skin. Copyright © 2011 - 2020 TCMWIKI.COM All rights reserved. 2-3 cups water. This herb has mild action of dispersing wind-cold, and also has a little effect in promoting sweating and releasing exterior. Made from African red bush leaves, rooibos is naturally caffeine-free and its warm, nutty flavor is a great substitute for black tea. Usually it is used as a supplementary herb and can be combined with the pungent warm exterior-releasing herbs as Gui Zhi, Qiang Huo and so on to strengthen the sweat-promoting and exterior-releasing effect. In addition, it can reduce the toxic effect of unprocessed Ban Xia and unprocessed Tian nan Xing and food poisoning caused by fish and crab. Book Appointment. The fresh rhizome and root of perennial herbaceous plant Zingiber officinale Rosc. Please consult a professional TCM practitionner, they will be best able to guide you. optional: honey or maple syrup. It is also considered a safe treatment for pregnant women with morning sickness. Sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis may experience reduced swelling of their joints as a consequence of taking ginger. I suggest you drink ginger and brown sugar tea. Cover and bring to a boil. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), fresh ginger are plants that belong to the 'Warm/Acrid herbs that release the Exterior' category. If possible also take a baby aspirin. Author: Dr. Maryam Mahanian, DTCM, RAc . Categories: General Health; Health Benefits of Ginger. 10869 E. Pleasant Place So if you catch a cold, you can drink ginger juice to get some sweat and disperse the cold out of your body. A researcher from Kentucky’s University of Louisville named Huang-Ge Zhang was curious about how ginger and other edible plants affected the microbiome. This recipe makes 1 serving! In Traditional Chinese Medicine, fresh and dried ginger have completely different energetic qualities. In the case of vomiting due to stomach heat, it should be used with vomiting-relieving herbs such as Huang Lian, Zhu Ru and so on with both effect of clearing stomach heat and relieving vomiting. Ginger is also beneficial in helping the lower abdomen circulation and is suitable for women who have period pain, dark bleeding, blot clots, stomach pain, and aversion to cold. Contact Acupuncture Alternatives if you want to learn more about how Chinese herbals can help play a role in keeping you on the road of good health – 480 671 5178. Ginger tea is one of the most popular ways of taking ginger as a home remedy. Too much “cold” in the body; HOT water. The knowledge about Traditional Chinese Medicine is provided free but without any warranties. Sliced, unprocessed, roasted or pounded into juice. Ginger is a plant that has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries. Another use, although ginger is not well known for it, ginger is a natural decongestant and antihistamine. Once boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes. It is a qi tonic, promotes circulation and treats phlegm in the lungs accompanied with cough. Ginger extract is available to take in pill form. Ginger Tea Recipe. Then go to sleep. It can be used alone or in combination with other herbs for synergistic effect. Traditional Chinese Medicine. 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