php get username of logged in user

wp-includes/user.php: wp_destroy_other_sessions() Remove all but the current session token for the current user for the database. i dont want my application to show any popup asking for username and password. If you open up the file called page1.php (It's one of the files you downloaded from here: scripts. I want this to make a logon dialog more comfortable. Is it possible to get the NT username using php? This is a simple registration system. return get_user_by ( 'id', $user_id ); } Expand full source code Collapse full source code. (3 replies) Hi. I'll take 3-4 days to test this on network and work out IIS settings before closing this question. If you get the site account name instead of the logged in user, then there is no user logged in at the point the code is run. So, you want the server (PHP) to probe the client (user's) remote machine to, So, you want the server (PHP) to probe the client (user's) remote machine to find out the windows username? $_SERVER[' LOGON_USER… It is a security mechanism that is used to restrict unauthorized access to member-only areas and tools on a site. This code can display username after the user login an account. Also, sorry for the delay, Thanksgiving and all, hope everyones was good! Additionally if you don’t want to use PHP you can change styling of the site using CSS when a user is logged in. Thanks. The code use PHP POST method to call a specific function that can login a user account using SELECT query by validating the username and password if exist. \Drupal::currentUser() gets an account. Note that you have to turn off anonymous access in IIS, so that the user authenticates to a domain. $current_user->user_firstname . So either I need a way to get the logged on user not the one who initiated the elevated prompt, or a way to get and pass the username to the elevated prompt. Here the full code of index.php. I have to use Internet Information Services (IIS) server on WIndows NT instead of Apache server to get the client's information. The correct way to determine whether a user is logged in is to use the function is_user_logged_in(). want to use it for intranet authentication. When asked, what has been your best career decision? Luckily, WordPress makes it really easy to get the logged-in user’s information. Cause surely, it would work only on INTRANET and not on INTERNET. The logged in user information is stored in environment variables. "\n"; echo 'User last name: ' . In general, the "user" represents the identity of someone who can log on to a Joomla insta… In Windows OS, we can find the current logged in username from windows command line. But we're testing for two things: has a user session called login been set? Can't be done. $current_user->display_name . This can be an user or an anonymous session. The trouble is, I'm not sure if this would be possible in PHP. Using this code in PHP we only get the username of the system where the server is running. Being involved with EE helped me to grow personally and professionally. The register.php page asks for the desired username, email, and password of the user, and then sends the entered data into the database, once the submit button is clicked. wp-includes/user.php: wp_get_all_sessions() Retrieve a list of sessions for the current user. If the user is logging on to the web server using a Windows domain (through NT authentication) then in ASP, I can get client's username using: System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent ().Name.ToString ();Also, in ASP in can have the server impersonate the user by setting this in web.config file All the clients log on to the server at windows startup. user_lastname . This is one of a series of API Guides, which aim to help you understand how to use the Joomla APIs through providing detailed explanations and sample code which you can easily install and run. Experts Exchange always has the answer, or at the least points me in the correct direction! Also, I tend to include a header in my code in "admin" areas that check to see if the right person is in the right areas. PODCAST: "Proving Your Worth in IT" with Certified Expert Sam JacobsListen Now. "\n"; echo 'User display name: ' . WordPress adds the class “logged-in” to the body tag of your site when a user is logged in. There's no direct way of getting the clients windows account username over INTERNET as it would be a security issue. I have to do some INTRANET specific settings in IIS to achieve the result through $_SERVER['LOGON_USER']. SOME LIMITED information is sent to the server by the browser, but I doubt this would ever be considered -- or even secure. Interesting task! (is… ---John Holmes... ----- Original Message ----- From: "James Lobley" To: "'Thomas Franz'" ; Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 6:05 AM Subject: RE: [PHP] get current username from the windows system. "\n"; We've partnered with two important charities to provide clean water and computer science education to those who need it most. ), you'll see some PHP code at the top: Again, we first start a PHP session. How setcookie and header can be used together? I don't have the network available right now to test it but I think this is what I was looking for.'s-username-in-PHP-web-page.html. Jan 28, 2018 #2 Code: Im creating a php page that runs internally using apache server but i need to get the nt username name of the visitor. For example this snippet below will change the background color of your site when a user is logged … $current_user->user_email . It also goes without saying to make sure you "sterilize" user input if it is to be used to direct the user to a "password protected" area. After this, the user is redirected to the index.php page where a welcome message and the username of the logged-in user is displayed. is_user_logged_in() is a method called that probably returns true for logged in or false for not logged in. Actually, this is quite simple to do and can be used for several applications. What settings I have to do in my IIS server to make it work? How can i access to user data from PHP? For this you can use Single Sign On with Active directory if you have a windows network. READ MORE. $ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); echo("IP address is $ip
"); $user_chunks = explode("\\",strtoupper(getenv("REMOTE_USER"))); $user_domain = $user_chunks[0]; $user_name = $user_chunks[1]; echo("User domain is $user_domain"); echo("User name is $user_name"); ?> James -----Original Message----- From: Thomas Franz Sent: 23 January 2003 10:44 To: $_SERVER['LOGON_USER'] also works. I don't think PHP itself has such an ability. Database Connection (config.php) Create PHP script for user login and login tacking put this script above the index.php page. $current_user->user_login . In this tutorial we'll create a simple registration and login system using the PHP and MySQL. SMTP Local development to Send email in PHP; Windows Platform/ XP with no IIS. Thanks for an answer and a little example if it's possible. i want the username of currently logged in user on client machine. He needed to show that on the checkout form page and also on the order email. function get_userdata ( $user_id ) {. Is there any way of knowing User Currently Logged On? global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); echo 'Username: ' . After login, you can see your login details by click on User Access log (userlog.php) Connect with Certified Experts to gain insight and support on specific technology challenges including: We help IT Professionals succeed at work. The ! Thanks to everyone who replied. PHP snippet: get logged in username and […] function wpdocs_check_logged_in() { $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); if ( 0 == $current_user->ID ) { // Not logged in. } It seems like it should be an easy problem to solve, and I've found the following two bits of code on the wordpress codex that each do half of what I am looking for, but I haven't figured out how to combine them (without breaking the site). This tutorial is comprised of two parts: in the first part we'll create a user registration form, and in the second part we'll create a login form, as well as a welcome … Yeah I know it won't work directly. } add_action( 'init', 'wpdocs_check_logged_in' ); Meanwhile, if anyone has something to add, you're most welcome. ! Aayush Well-known member. This page describes the functionality associated with the Joomla User class, accessible via the UserAPI. Can I use Apache server as well to do the same thing? Our community of experts have been thoroughly vetted for their expertise and industry experience. We will utilize get_currentuserinfo (); function. wp-includes/user.php: wp_destroy_current_session() Remove the current session token from the database. Some things can be achieved by client side scripts like javascript, but I honestly doubt you could do this, not would it. Gain unlimited access to on-demand training courses with an Experts Exchange subscription. If you want to know the username PHP is running as you can use POSIX functions (or shell_exec with 'whoami'). it should automatically use the windows username. If the user is logging on to the web server using a Windows domain (through NT authentication) then in ASP, I can get client's username using: I can get client's username by using ActiveX in Javascript but it works only in Internet Explorer, Thanks but I'm searching for a similar way in PHP. "\n"; echo 'User email: ' . I'm trying to build an external shop for my website, i need to get logged user's username on my PHP application but i have no idea how. Can I make EasyPHP on Windows allow remote connections. And is this session a blank string? User authentication is very common in modern web application. After login, you will redirect to welcome.php. First thing to remember is that PHP is server side. else { // Logged in. } Even if the existing code works for you, ActiveX controls is needed to be on in security settings. In this article we will show you how to retrieve information pertaining to the currently logged in user. You can write your code in one of two ways. So just by printing the value in these environment variables we can get to know the login name. is their a possibilty to get the windows username of the current logged on user with php. I know that all the end users would be on Windows computers and all the usernames are in the same format so all I would need is to somehow be able to check what user is logged … This could be used anywhere in your theme (header, footer, sidebar, page-template etc). So far i have this code

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