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This article is very upfront and honest, however when reading the comments I was overwhelmed with all the ignorance. However, if you must own an otter as a pet your pet must meet the following requirements. Depending on the size, the cage should provide at least 30% water. States, from what we researched, may be legal in Nevada, Florida, Mississippi, South Dakota, Indiana, Ohio, Tennesse, New York, Minnesota, North Carolina and Oklahoma. They are listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. They are considered wildlife and have requirements that are different from those of the average household pet. Great job on this article, Melissa! States where Otters may be legal, New York. Also, according to mink expert Joseph Carter, their bites can cause severe injury, although this is likely not worse than anything an otter bite can inflict. They have exotic pet stores with meerkats in rabbit cages. This craze of having exotic pets like fennec and foxes (in Russia its popular ), beautiful exotic reptiles and so much more is so wrong ! 25 million cats and dogs are euthanized in the US each year. These semi-aquatic creatures hold hands and cuddle, making potential pet otters all the craze among aspiring pet owners. In so many States in the USA it is illegal to keep a pet otter. Kevin on January 07, 2020: Is it legal to own any of the following without a permit in union,nj. You just made that up and got angry for no reason. on January 01, 2018: Can I buy a baby otter. And if they are legal would you have to have some kind of permit? Answer Save. Electric fences can also be used but require frequent inspection and maintenance. They would come to the nano-reef forums posting spotless 10 gallon tanks loaded with fish including tangs. The space aka property with a huge pond that I would build a huge enclosure around. If you still want to own this aquatic creature, the biggest obstacle you will face is this: where can you find one? Thanks. The woman in the video DOES SAY she would 100% NOT recommend an otter as a pet... Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on May 27, 2019: Shame on you! Otters and most exotic pets may not like to be restrained, especially with strangers. Humans have kept animals as pets for over 12,000 years. Even you own a river it’s not enough! Over half of all 13 otter species are endangered or vulnerable and are not legally breed - they have to be capture, usually by killing the mother and confiscating the pups. Question: Are sea otters legal in Kentucky? Some of the states in the US where an otter is legal are Missouri, North Carolina, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Nebraska and North Dakota. Given their sensitivity, less than 10% are likely to survive to adoption. The unfortunate reality is that there is only one species of otter that can possibly be owned—the Asian clawed otter—and even finding this species is difficult. Published 6 October 2014 From: ... licence for taxidermists to own dead animals (GL02) 1 January 2021 Statutory guidance They live in freshwater wetlands and mangrove swamps in Southern Asia. Question: Are otters legal to have as pets in North Carolina? People in Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, and elsewhere can pay thousands of dollars to own one. Hundreds of thousands of newborn kittens are euthanized at shelters because no one can take care of them. These toys are excellent for species that hunt and forge. When you see horror movies about canibbals or something you feel freaked out do you eat meat how do you think the cows,pigs and lambs feel and so on. They love water so it is best if you have a body of water nearby for them to frolic in. Carcass: the body of a dead fur-bearing animal, with or without the hide attached. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on December 21, 2016: People in Japan are notorious for doing whatever they want and making it work.

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