The two I mentioned in the article, Golden Raindrops and Profusion both hold their tiny apples all winter. The oaks are a little un-nerving when you think how many are planted close to homes and businesses. It was a mess to clean up but the beauty outshone it all. At the bottom of the page, you will find a list of more messy trees to avoid, as well as a list of comparatively low-maintenance trees. And the lemon--a tree from hell, with 3" thorns everywhere and hundreds of pounds of lemons that fall like bombs and break any plants beneath them. No. As you can imagine, evergreen trees are far less messy! This is a common reason why trees fail to thrive. The petals were leathery, wet, and tough. ... More curb appeal, less hassle. Its a lovely oak, and a bee tree, but I'm glad it's not my job to clean off the sidewalk. Be sure to toast nuts and seed pods in the oven before you decide to paint them or glue them to a wreath. This characteristic is called marescence. } Golden Rain Trees - horrible mess all year long. Tons of flowery, fruity and leafy trees can add beauty to any landscape, no matter the size. My husband said Thanks, then cut it down himself. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-inverted-source'); In the spring, they might produce lovely flowers, and in the autumn, some brilliantly colored leaves. Not all real Christmas trees are equal, and the best types of Christmas trees for you depend on whether you want a nice aroma, easy clean-up or strong branches. They don't just shed twigs, either. I can see why! The thing had broken into every irrigation, drainage system it could. Some oak trees are sturdier than others. We had 10 large trees when we purchased our home 25 years ago. Jayme Kinsey (author) from Oklahoma on October 30, 2012: @Lipnancy--Thanks for stopping by.. The worms make excellent bait . Four years ago, I moved into a tiny home built in 1936. Cost us $1,500. I see some comments about trees that I would say are normal for trees that lose their leaves in the fall. However, there’s a good chance these trees won’t last long if planed in your yard. I don't know how they managed to never look bare. try { Several trees in the Fraxinus genus are seedless, including the “Raywood” ash (Fraxinus angustifolia “Raywood”), a 35-foot-tall deciduous tree that turns purple and red in fall. I am not sorry for having it chopped down - I am sure I am one of the few that don't like this classic Southern tree. By sticking with male gingko tree selections like ‘Autumn Gold,’ ‘Fairmount,’ and ‘Saratoga,’ you can ensure a fruit- and odor-free yard year-round. I received two slips from friend. Denise Handlon from North Carolina on October 15, 2012: Hi Sharkye11-I just added your hub to my Tree hub. Fell BEFORE it stormed. Two huge garbage bags full! Ouch! Great Shade Trees! However, don’t use plant fertiliser made for houseplants or outdoor plants. If you want to keep any nice enough to eat, you will have to string bird-netting under and make a hobby of it, but who can eat hundreds of plums, anyway? 50 or so of these seed pods can be glued together to form a topiary, basket, or wreath for a Thanksgiving decoration. crepe myrtle (even tho it is a shrub) - i am surprised you did. Some oak trees can dwell unobtrusively in your yard, dropping only their leaves and a few twigs now and then. The sweet gum tree is often planted as an ornamental tree. @Peggy--Thanks for the comment and votes. There are some fast-growing shade trees that are not recommended. Hit one with the mower? Sharon from NW Arkansas on June 05, 2019: Wow so glad to find your hub, Thank you for posting. If the outer shells have already fallen off, then you will have a million of these too. Maybe the developer thought this was a great idea. If you love pecans, then having your own tree is probably worth the work for you. . Drops leaves (neighbor says it is the last to lose its leaves) and has these hard "seeds/berries" that stain our driveway. _g1.classList.remove('lazyload'); Many people twist there ankles and the wind brings them everywhere. And as a final gift, you may find your yard covered in tons of baby pecan trees. These trees are beautiful to own, but they do require a lot of love and care. Once they fall in the ground, and people start stepping on them, it’s not a good situation. I have also written a tree hub so I will link yours to that one. Let me add the Flowering Crabapple Tree. . are nearly impossible to rake, meaning they almost always have to be picked up by hand. Four years later I have these huge trees that drop branches all the time-but when it storms the large branches drop. Because lurking under that innocent carpet lay the dreaded magnolia cones. I don't know how many problems are involved with the Dutch Elm trees anymore , but I owned a property years ago that had very large Box Elder trees in the back yard. When I was younger, we moved to a farm with five of these elegant belles. This is an excellent winter food source for birds and other wildlife. Whereas the wood, flowers, and leaves would all burn easily (the leaves sound like fire-crackers, by the way, if anyone would like to try) the cones would not burn. (There is another variety of loquat, the Bronze Loquat, however, which is beautiful and apparently without the useless fruit.) To help support its growth, the tree produces the jug lone toxin, which can be deadly to other plants and trees growing nearby. I have lived in my present home for a little over a year and finally had the old Magnolia in my yard cut down. and recommend that you don't either, unless you are a glutton for punishment... and these trees WILL punish you. If you hate extra lawn care as much as I do, then here are five specimens you may want to avoid. Just step outside, and there will be all the pecans you can eat right for the taking! They were still there after a decade, and I suppose they are still there now. } catch(e) {}. This doesn't mean magnolias should be discounted. I agree, I would never have the heart to cut down a Magnolia, but I wouldn't plant one close to the house either. Don’t buy a tree in less than a 15-gallon container. . I lived in Southern California with a pool in ground, and two 90 foot canary island pine trees. LIke a window, perhaps. Literlly tons of these balls are dropped every year from November to April where they clog up the drain sewers and clog up the waterways. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. Plus, the pollen in the center of the flower left the whole yard covered in what looked to be little matchsticks. Not only can they wound you if you slip and fall onto them, but they can also roll unexpectedly, causing sprained ankles . If it didn't ruin the blades, then it was slung out and into something else. Very informative. Neighbor had a fit. You won't mind the damage to your roof from a fallen branch, or the garage full of leaves. Even if they taste good (some of mine are great), it's not worth the trouble. You forgot to mention Texas Umbrella (China Berry) trees. The sticky substance seeping out of trees called sap is a vital part of the tree’s life. Kristen Howe from Northeast Ohio on May 08, 2015: This was another great hub from you, Jaymie. Open until 5PM-Sundays 5PM. Cleaning up the magnolia litter was a dreaded chore. As to the magnolia trees...I like looking at them but would not want the mess in my yard. Shagbark Hickory. var _g1; As daylight diminishes in fall, the leaves of deciduous trees are no longer needed and are shed, allowing the trees to survive winter. I was glad to leave the magnolias behind, for sure. They are enjoyable, ornamental trees. In fall or after a drought, one or two trees can completely bury a yard in gigantic brown leaves. It will seem as though every leaf on the tree counted to three and then let go, all at once. What are these little flakes and what are their purpose? It is one of the prettiest trees in the world. heh, you didn't even mention walnut, that's another nasty one... my parents neighborhood is full of Catalpa, Mulberry, maples, walnut, etc.... they ALL make a mess.. what the mulberries lack in direct mess they make up for in bird droppings. I grew up with large silver maples and while in spring they do have their 'wing' drop it's not much and the next lawn mowing gets rid of them. Here are some recommended trees for us lazy landscapers, but keep in mind that while these trees don't shed as drastically as the five listed above, they do still drop leaves, fruit, flowers, etc. They are a delicious nut! The soil gets hot, burns the mulch and leaves gaps around the roots. Les Trois Chenes from Videix, Limousin, South West France on October 14, 2012: What a well-written, informed and useful hub! or they can be a nightmare. I'm a landscape architect and these are the sorts of things that everyone should know before planting trees. 02 of 11. These trees can often cause certain problems, especially when being planted in a yard. If you have large, well-established trees, you may tolerate the cons because you are reticent to sacrifice the tree's shade for the time it takes a newer model to grow to adulthood. Jayme Kinsey (author) from Oklahoma on October 15, 2012: Thank you, Les Trois Chenes for the great comment. . Scientists do not fully understand why some oak trees fail to drop their leaves in fall. I don't know about cooler climates, but in the Oklahoman heat, sweet gum trees ooze amber sap that sticks to your shoes when you walk across the yard. This was the funniest and most informative article i have read in aome time. I hate them!!!!! lead photo (Photo by ChinaFotoPress/ChinaFotoPress via Getty Images). When most people plant trees, it’s because they want them to be around for a while. I've been told that now the only kind of Cottonwood you can buy is "cottonless" but, boy, the older trees are horrible. I was amazed to hear that oaks are the most likely to be struck by lightning. It creates drifts of cotton that sticks like crazy once it lands on landscaping (and it never biodegrades). Make that worms. They need to be trimmed and pruned when their branches hang low, and someone has to clean up after they have shed their flowers, leaves, and other baubles. Then a fine rain of refuse through the summer. This invasive species is known for crowding out other plants, and refusing to die even when cut down. 1. Not that really bad weather is needed . The large trees with the enormous blossoms and leaves. That, my friends, is a lot of pecan pies. Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on October 13, 2012: Our home is surrounded by large oak trees and whether it is due to last years severe drought in Houston or not...they are dropping acorns this year like never before. The "plums of Damocles." Flowering trees add color to a landscape. Help! At one time, ladies wanted to keep their skin as creamy and white as the flowers of this tree. Search. They said " only if you take them all." . These trees grow quickly, require a lot of upkeep and attention in order to stay healthy. MONDAY-SATURDAY 7:30AM-5PM SUNDAY 9AM - 5PM. Black walnut trees can be harmful to other things growing in your yard. They also deposit an absolutely incredible tonnage of leaves, and not just a few at a time. Denise Handlon from North Carolina on October 16, 2012: Hi Sharkey, I just read your comment and have to reply to this. !! You can follow Camille on Twitter @CamealAshley. They are hard, brown, spiky balls that can create some serious hazards. When you buy that new home in April, you might not realize that those majestic trees that won your heart at the showing may eventually make you despise your yard. 5 Trees To Shade Your Desert. Large pecan branch on the garage roof. According to the forestry service, oaks are more likely than other trees to be struck by lightning, (with beeches being the least likely.) I have used the sweet gum balls in craft projects and the people were HAPPY to have me collect them from their yard. Like the catalpa tree, the pecan tree sheds just about everything. Denise Handlon from North Carolina on October 14, 2012: I had no idea that the oak was so frequently struck by lightening. But pecans don't fall off the tree looking like the un-shelled versions you buy at the store for the holidays. Magnolia leaves may be gorgeous, but they're a pain in the butt to clean up. Crape myrtles drop flowers in the summer, leaves and seed pods in the fall, and the bark peels in the winter and spring. My recommendation, however, would be to plant them a safe distance from your yard. Yes it has beautiful pink flowers in spring and red berries for winter interest but what a mess and a lot of work to remove seedlings and saplings that sprout up through out the spring and summer. What a mistake. First they blow out huge clouds of pollen for a couple of weeks in the spring. Am sure that I will be pulling up ones from garden beds or ones that squirrels have dug into the ground for some time to come. Planted them for shade over my patio behind my garage. Finally the last insult....pine cones all winter. Then once the first frost hits....about a third of the needles turn yellow and drop everywhere, covering the ground. Magnolia leaves are crisp and waxy even when green, which made raking them very difficult. It will still create the same mess as its larger relative, but on a much smaller scale. I've never had the pleasure of being around walnuts, but I can definitely agree about the mulberries! Whether it be a high risk of cracking, breaking, killing other plants, or simply stinking up the place – you’ll want to stay as far away from these trees as possible. Jacaranda, the perfect beautiful tree for someone else's yard! They are encased in two shells! In Basement & Attic. But trees don’t just save this nest-egg for when someone tries to cut them down. Who doesn't like pecans? They also tend to have very weak branches which is always a no-no. I would never, ever, again buy a home where one of these trees is within a MILE. but you won't have much time to go fishing if you have one or two of these trees. Tree Huggers should read, then come rake my large yard ! 20 Types of Trees You Do Not Want Growing In Your Yard. Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) As a Southerner, it is very difficult to insult this beautiful … Beautiful tree (my shrubs are 20 feet tall or more) but they drop SOMETHING year round. . I live in Limousin, S W France now, and the whole area is covered in oak and sweet chestnut woodlands. Tiny beetles called emerald ash borers are capable of wiping out these trees completely. A single tree can be covered in thousands of these grotesque little creatures (which are actually caterpillars), earning the catalpa the nickname of "fish bait" tree. When choosing a trees specimen to plant near your swimming pool, take into account: Leaf drop: Make sure the tree you choose has minimal leaf drop and it is not messy.You will not want to clean seed pots, fruit, dead flowers, leaves, and other plant and tree debris from your pool filter. This tree may be great for providing shade, but its rapid growth can lead to brittle wood which can break easily during storms. Haha. Jayme is a writer and artist from Oklahoma who has survived 9 consecutive years of gardening wins and fails. It was hard to include the great oak tree in this list because it is such a wonderful tree. I do know we never had to gather kindling wood for the winter because it was always available just outside the door. It's surface roots were everywhere and nearly breaking into my patio. I have two large Cottonwoods in my back yard and their cotton make it impossible to be in the back yard for about six weeks every spring/early summer. If you are looking for big trees grown faster, these fast growing trees will do the job! Almost everyone loves a beautiful tree. Allow the bell-shaped roots to protrude out of the ground. } catch(e) {}, try { All of the cones had to be gathered daily by hand, and disposal was a challenge. Bottom line: Don't plant fruit trees unless you are a fruit farmer!!!! They bubble. Barbara Radisavljevic from Templeton, CA on October 15, 2012: Wow! But I have a small yard. Jayme, I so agree with your information. For example, once a hard frost sweeps through New England, all the ginkgo trees in the region promptly drop their fan-shaped leaves. Sadly, I don't think many towns approve of keeping pigs in your yard. The tree leaves didn’t drop in winter. However, even though trees can be great, there are some types of trees that are simply not good additions to any home. I moved into my Oakland, CA home 10 years ago, and the main trees in the yard were a lemon tree (no special cultivar), several plum trees, and several loquats, I advise, NEVER plant ANY of these trees anywhere you might want to go near. These Trees drop MILLIONS of them good for nothing balls. I imagine they would be a lot cleaner. Like you indicated, it is just about a daily job to keep the ground cleared out from underneath that type of tree. I suppose in some places the cones are seasonal, but in southeast Oklahoma, they fell all year. Then during another storm that dad gum Oak tree thanked us by getting hit by lightning. Right now, I'm smack dab in the pecan catkins removal stage. Great hub. The seeds and fruit from this tree are one and the same, commonly known as gum balls (and not the nice kind). It a 3ft diameter root ball 2 1/2 ft deep. As a Southerner, it is very difficult to insult this beautiful and traditional tree. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-mobile-inverted-source'); In other trees, the abscission layer cuts the flow of water and nutrients to the leaf, which then dies and readily breaks away and falls to the ground. I mean.. when I bought the house I though, that's a cool maple. I did not realize until I lived in NC that there are actually two types of magnolia trees. What a horrendous and almost impossible to clean up mess those trees made with their golf ball sized spikey balls that were as hard as rocks! Tree roots pushed it out of ground. Voted up for interesting! They can provide shade, scenery, and even a cool place for kids to hang out. Then small pods that look like fly larvae. The "fruit" produced by the females is a smelly, slippery nuisance, meaning that they don't make good street trees. Also known as weeping willows, these trees can be beautiful to look at. These trees may be nice to look at, but they can cause some serious problems, especially if planted close to your home. In fact, baseball bats are made from their wood. The owner declared that it took the entire family two weeks every year to pick up only the majority of balls. if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { You can't rake it or blow it and it clogs the lawnmower when you try to mow the lawn. Magnolias are a traditional element in southern landscaping. I have seen some reasonably young, supposedly supple pecans drop branches in just a light thunderstorm. _g1.setAttribute('srcset', _g1.getAttribute('data-srcset')); Beware the sweet gum! This is no doubt why people thought it was handy to plant pecan trees close to their houses. If you have allergies you’ll definitely want to stay far away from these trees because mountain cedars produce a ton of pollen. My Cart. Find out which trees require the least maintenance. I have millions of little brown flakes that fall from my beech trees, they get everywhere, I spend lots of hours trying to sweep them up, once I've done it I turn around and they are back, they drive me mad. We do have an oak tree on the property, but it's very far from the house and garden areas, all by itself. We have them in St Thomas and they make an Oak 'Tree look clean. And we’re not just talking about those petite bonsai trees either. These trees can often cause certain problems, especially when being planted in a yard. Generally the popular Christmas trees such as the Fraser fir, Noble fir, and Nordmann fir, have excellent needle retention and holding characteristics. The catalpa tree, (also known as a catawba tree) is a fairly common tree, so much so, in fact, that it is often considered a "weed" in certain areas. This pollen/sap mixture can actually be sticky enough to rip apart a windshield wiper blade if you accidentally turn on the wipers before scraping the glass! Read on for the top 12 trees fit for small spaces. This slideshow explains why you should avoid these trees in your yard. Think of your neighbors yards too... winds do blow !!! I fell for the gumball trick once. I am killing off about 1000 of those seedlings every year. I never suspected. Filthy black mold on leaves, too. Second one very Large Oak during Ice storm 2009 broke limbs... one when thru patio swing top, one thru husbands truck window, one when thru roof of house. Then all the leaves, dirt, and other outside debris sticks to the resin and tracks into your house. I don't need a 100ft tree. Smaller trees can be planted in rows to fill a broad area. This tree can also grow very quickly and have brittle wood. Like magnolia cones, the balls don't break down easily in compost or a rubbish pile. Others, however, produce acorns, which are very fascinating, but difficult to rake up. You're Shopping Main Website. :). If you can't handle that then get an apartment. Many of their brown leaves cling to the tree throughout winter and early spring until new leaf growth begins. Peach trees and plum trees require spring, summer, and fall disease control treatments for best results. Hundreds of cones a week were collected and eventually piled on a back acre. For the comment and the link! They where removed and the maintenance on the pool became much easier. My mother loved magnolia trees and we had one in our front yard in Michigan, along with maples and fruit trees in the back yard. But what if one day you look out the window and realize that it’s mid-winter and your tree hasn’t lost its leaves. About the time that is done they literally rain the tiny yellow flowers so numerous that we have to sweep daily sometimes more than once to keep the concrete patio from feeling like you are walking on a cushion. Mimosa trees are undoubtedly lovely, but the mess they make is not! Sycamore trees are popular, but if they don’t get enough water they can develop ‘cankers’ on their trunk. Cottonwood trees may look nice, but their leaves attract a lot of insects which will end up costing you lots of money to keep away. THIS tree should top your and every chart for dirtiest tree! You have given the lazy and not so lazy gardeners something to consider when planting trees. Love the information about messy trees! This tree is insidious. Think trees have to grow as big and tall as those 200-foot-tall redwoods? Find Other Stores. I actually read an article defending those trees, saying that sweet gum balls were soft and pretty. So very insightful and informative. Is there a way to stop Crepe Myrtles from blooming and making a huge mess on my patio? They can also work their way into crevices on your automobile where they cause some problems. These little black seeds then start to grow their own crop of trees everywhere they come to rest soil or not. I forgot to mention in the hub about all the sprouts that would have to be pulled if you don't collect all the seeds and nuts from these trees! For years we had very large, old oaks that rarely lost a twig during high winds. Tree man came saw the tips of leaves burned and knew that tree was done, lightning hit top of tree and traveled down thru middle of trunk. They are like baseballs, easily capable of taking out a window or knocking a person unconscious. We are new to Idaho and love it, but we have a tree that is creating mess in front yard. But by the time they’re bloop-blooping somewhere in the ultrasonic range, a dangerous process is already occurring that can prove fatal to the unlucky bubbler. Then I started to change the landscaping in that area and I realized what I was getting myself into. (Or from your car!). Now from what I was told, it is only the female tree that seems to get Box Elder beetle infestations, but these insects tend to get into everything, including your home. Silver Maple Tree We don’t hate tress just use some smarts before purchasing and planting. Ouch! You didn't want to mow over too many of them, because they would congeal under the mower and create a mess. Somewhere under that knee-deep crunchy carpet though, lie your prized delicacies . _g1.setAttribute('src', _g1.getAttribute('data-src') ); Her writing has been published on several websites, and she enjoys writing articles and short stories in her spare time. Have you noticed that a few broadleaf trees change color in fall, but don't drop their leaves? Come shop the best and biggest selections for desert trees from Moon Valley Nursery! The third was a sweet gum in front yard by drive way, well after I stepped on one of the darn hard balls and turned my ankle going to my car. The catalpa tree sheds the large green leaves all year in heavy breezes. So loud was the sound we jumped out of bed sound sleep. Don't forget to watch for the worms. Heavy snow or ice or … They began growing 5000 years ago: about the … A pest or disease issue that causes canopy decline will often trigger this “new-growth” strategy from a tree. Whether it be a high risk of cracking, breaking, killing other plants, or simply stinking up the place – you’ll want to stay as far away from these trees as possible. If you have one of the non-sterile varieties, it will shed not only its leaves, but also thousands of "gum balls". Had a wooden privacy screen put in at edge of patio. When my husband and I lived in that home he did nothing but complain of the petals and leaves. It makes a distinct sound when the wind blows through the leaves and it produces large, white flowers that fill the air with sweet perfume. Japanese loquats--filthy mess with something dying and dropping all year long--and I don't mean the leaves, which are voluminous, but at least not moldy, filthy, or squishy, like the fruit. Ugh! Not a good idea to hit them with the riding mower either. Answer: Yes! According to Landscape Architecture Magazine: “These spots won’t kill the trees, but they’ll disfigure them so badly that you’ll wish they were dead.”. White as the ones here in OK, landscaping, and refusing to die even when down... People twist there ankles and the video, the humor and the wind brings everywhere. When most people think of your house and car all year in heavy breezes use this if I a! They fell all year in heavy breezes another storm that dad gum oak tree us... A way to stop Crepe Myrtles from blooming and making a huge mess on my patio behind garage. 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